Sunday, March 31, 2013

{ quick update }

Dear Friends & Family,

I'm still in the process of writing about our journey in Paris, but I wanted to give you a quick update on other things going on in Berlin.

I mentioned a couple of weeks ago that our clocks didn't move forward the same time as the US. So if you're still keeping track, we are back to being nine hours ahead. I'm writing this at 5:** pm, and it is 8:** am in California. So good morning to you!

We're excited for the time change. Not only does it mean we have more sunlight, but we are really getting into Spring. It snowed the other day, but by the next day it had already melted. I have a feeling we'll start complaining when it starts raining...

Other news....we got offered an apartment!! Well, three actually. We declined them all though. We decided one was not in the right neighborhood, and the other two, albeit great apartments, were both over the budget if we included the cost of the furniture we'd need, the appliances we'd have to get, and all the other necessities we'd have to factor in. So yes, we are starting our search over. We are being more strict with the budget because we realized how much we want to explore Europe while we are living in Berlin, and we can't do that if we are not able to save money.

At least we know it is possible to find an apartment...

The Prindles

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